By news of nytimes- Stilt walkers wearing columns of silk sway and totter on the pavement on New Bond Street. But on Wednesday evening, towering models in a fanfare of silk outfits embroidered with tiny mirrors greeted guests, including the steel baron Lakshmi Mittal and film director Gurinder Chadha, at a book launch and auction for the celebrated Indian designers Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla.
Written by the art critic Gayatri Sinha, with photography by Ram Shergill, the 616-page book showcases hundreds of fashions and interiors. Mr. Shergill was granted license to “have fun” with the book, Mr. Khosla said, so the photographer has put the designers’ iconic outfits on models and celebrities including Hrithik Roshan and Shah Rukh Khan, and placed them in locations from Death Valley and Brighton’s Royal Pavilion to Morocco and the Lake Palace in Udaipur.
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